Sunday, 1 February 2009

My Mum Died Today

My dearest Mum died today 1st February 2009 - something we new was coming.
But how does one cope with a loved one dying.

Gloria Dawn died today after suffering from
dementia for a number of years.

Who was she - she was my mom who I loved so very much who loved life, had poise, grace, dignified, loving heart, steadfast, compassion, widsom, kindness, elegance, soft touch, soft voice,
strength, fierce loyalty, unwaivering love to our Dad, never complained, lived life gently and humbly.

She has gone from this earth and all that now remains are her footprints, but these are powerful footprints that are deep in my soul and everytime I give someone the benefit of the doubt, everytime I am gracious and generous, everytime I carry my burdens I am living out my mother's legacy.

Her Love will never be extinguished from my heart