Monday, 10 August 2009

Healthy Living by Organic Babe and Kids Wear
Organic Baby Cotton Clothes

1. The worst breakfast foods
3. Saving green on a green breakfast
2. The best breakfast foods
4. Top five ways to a greener breakfast

Want greener eggs and ham? Worried about your jelly doughnut's CO2 legacy and cellulite future? You're right to be concerned, but you have lots of options. Let MNN help you break the fast without breaking your health, the environment or the bank.

You may have heard that you are what you eat, but you're also not what you don't eat. No need to avoid these breakfast foods like the plague; maybe just avoid them like obesity, heart disease, wastewater runoff and global warming.

Fast food: Why would you trust the food from any restaurant so rushed it fuses words together (Frescuit, Croissan'wich) or can't be bothered to spell out conjunctions (Big N' Tasty, Biscuit 'N' Gravy)? While it's true fast-food companies are scrambling to revamp their images in the post-Super Size Me era, and some have made nutritional improvements, the industry's environmental impacts haven't gotten as much attention. Fast-food chains have huge carbon footprints, support factory farming and produce a massive amount of packaging waste every year.

Cinnamon rolls, doughnuts and pastries: Depending where you get your pastries, you might be better off eating a piece of birthday cake for breakfast. A lot depends on the source and how it's made, though, so try for healthier or more sustainable alternatives. Get a whole-wheat doughnut instead of Boston cream, or a low-fat cinnamon roll instead of a Honey Bun. And if you do eat a cinnamon roll, for your own sake, don't do Bacon cinnamon roll" href="" target=_blank jQuery1249859987859="100">this.

Pork: Getting early-morning protein from bacon, ham and sausage can actually ward off hunger later in the day. Unfortunately, most pork comes from industrial hog farms that produce mountains of manure and emit greenhouse gases, ammonia and foul smells that encroach on neighbors. Look for fresh, organic pork that doesn't contain preservatives (PDF) and wasn't fed antibiotics, or buy low-sodium and low-fat products. Center-cut bacon often has at least 20 percent less fat than traditional cuts, and turkey bacon has about a third less. If you're feeling eco-conscious and adventurous, try soy-based veggie bacon, which has less saturated fat and cholesterol than any meat variety.

Whole eggs: Eggs are the champions of breakfast, the foundation on which the traditional American morning is built. A whole fried egg has about double the protein of a slice of bacon, and is high in essential nutrients such as selenium and choline. But eggs' downside is their yolks, which are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Eating egg whites instead essentially eliminates those problems, but both whole eggs and egg whites still have a bit much sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure.

Pancakes, waffles, and French toast with butter and syrup: Actually, the main problem with these is just the butter and syrup, so no need to throw out your waffle iron. If you can skip both condiments in favor of real fruit preserves or raw honey, or at least opt for low-fat versions, you'll be doing yourself a favor. If you're making French toast yourself, use egg whites and skim milk to cut down on cholesterol and fat.

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